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Image by Dan Michael Sinadjan


Finding a restaurant on Mahe is not difficult. However, finding a reasonable priced one is. Restaurants are super expensive here, and not always worth the money you pay out. You pay 350 Rupees for a creole style fish curry, that you would pay 40 Rupees for in a local creole take-away, which is arguably much better. So below is our guide to the best cheap eats on the island in alphabetical order.

A Taste of Italy (Victoria Market Street)

A Taste of Italy, tucked away on Market Street, opposite the Market is probably the cheapest sit down place in the centre. Traditional Italian food that you can also take out.

An Nai’s Chinese (Mont Fleuri Road)

An Nai’s is a real popular take-away, with ques generally out of the door. However, service is fairly fast moving and the selection of food is great. As with all take-aways, they do half/full and mixed portions ranging from around 50 Rupees to 90 Rupees. 

BaoBab (Beau Vallon)

BaoBab is a great pizzeria with actually very good pizzas. You can eat in or take-away and the restaurant is kind of cute in a shabby chic kind of way. Bang on the Ocean front, it’s always busy and pizzas range from around 120 Rupees upwards. 

Beau Vallon Night Market

Beau Vallon Night Market (Wednesdays) is a great place to taste a range of local dishes, from Octopus Curry to Grilled Fish. Peruse the many stalls and pick up bits and bobs and set yourself up on the beach, or sit down in one of the couple of places that have a few chairs and tables. You can also pick up a cocktail along the way. Prices for a main meal start at around 50 Rupees, and you can also pick up snacks such as Samosas and Breadfruit Chips for less. The bigger stalls are permanent so you can eat at the Market every night. The only bad thing about the market is the rubbish left over. See our article on Beau Vallon’s Garbage Problem. 

Calinoz (Jardin des Enfants, Victoria)

Calinoz is a great takeaway spot in Victoria where you can get a range of food including a delicious chickpea wrap for 50 Rupees. They also provide a number of benches so you can sit and enjoy your food, and they do delivery. It’s only a few minutes walk from the centre and a nice spot to sit and eat for cheap. 

Copper Pot (Beau Vallon)

Copper Pot is a delicious Indian restaurant hidden away on the outskirts of Beau Vallon, but an easy walk from the beach. It serves fairly cheap curries and other Indian dishes and you can eat-in or take away. 

“Indian” Shops

The Seychelles has an abundance of small shops that are generally Indian owned, hence the term “Indian” shop is generally understood. These shops sell a range of goods from washing up liquid to cans of beans. However, they’ve been included on this list because they usually have a range of snacks, such as Samosas, Spring Rolls, Fishcakes and a variety of desert snacks such as banana doughnuts and dough balls. 

ISPC Discount shelves (SIba, Victoria)

ISPCS is fairly expensive, however, their discounts on fruit, diary and meat are pretty good, usually around 50%. You need to eat it straight away, but if you’re planning a beach picnic the it’s a good place to pick up some cheap cheese and veggies. There’s smaller ISPCs in Beau Vallon and Anse Royale.

Jules Take Away (East Coast Road, Near the Airport)

Jules is an institution it seems on the island, and most Seychellois know all about it. It’s a little further out of town, a few minutes from the airport, but does great creole take-out food at a very reasonable price. 

Local Creole Take-Aways

The island is scattered with local Creole take-outs that are usually fairly inconspicuous so you tend to have to know their locations. However, if you ask a local they’ll tend to know one nearby. You can pick up a great selection of creole food such as chicken or fish curry at great prices. The only downside is that they usually close mid-afternoon, and they’re generally pretty busy, so go early as once they run out, that’s it. Some of our favourites are; Opposite the International School, Next door to Cable and Wireless in Beau Vallon, Marine Charter at the small harbour in Victoria and Ena’s, near the Big Church in Glacis.


This new sixth edition of Bradt's Seychelles has been fully updated and remains the only travel guide giving comprehensive information on the biodiversity of the islands and updates on the conservation efforts in an easy to read format (over 40% of the Seychelles land is under environmental protection).


Mahe Island, Seychelles

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